Hotel Tsokkos Beach Hotel
Descripción Hotel Tsokkos Beach Hotel
The Tsokkos Beach Hotel offers warm and friendly atmosphere. Set in an excellent location, in a central part of Protaras. The Sandy beach is only a couple of minutes away from the resort where many shops, restaurants and bars are situated. The hotel has 122 rooms, which are spread over 4 floors. Reception 24 Hrs, foreign exchange currency, 2 elevators and conference room.
Descripción de la Habitación
Exterior y Deportes
Descripción Adicional
Breakfast (07:00-10:00), Lunch (12:00-14:30), Dinner (18:30-21:30). Snacks for all-inclusive guests are available from 10:30-12:00 then 14:30-17:00 and 22:00-23:30 (limited selection of cold sandwiches). All ordinary local alcoholic and non-alcoholic drinks from 10:00-24:00. Local beer is served draught only. Wine is served in a carafe, bottled wine will be charged extra. Build up of drinks is not allowed - each guest is allowed one drink at a time. The resort of Protaras shuts down during the winter months which are Jan-March, therefore most shops, bars and restaurants are closed.
Pernera, PO BOX 33199
Codigo Postal: 33199
Tlf. Hotel: 00357 238 31363
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